Grupo Nutresa announced its participation in the "Works for Taxes"
Published August 2020

Grupo Nutresa made official its participation in the program “Works for Taxes”, a mechanism of the National Government from which companies can join social development projects in the Areas Most Affected by the Conflict-ZOMAC-.

The announcement, made in partnership with the Governor of Antioquia Dr. Luis Fernando Suárez, the Minister of National education, Dr. Maria Victoria Angulo; and the Presidential advisor for Stabilization and Consolidation, Dr. Emilio José Archila, contemplates the provision of school furniture for a value close to COP 20,000 million for the benefit of 1,263 Educational Institutions located in the municipalities prioritized by the Development Programs with Territorial Approach (PDET) in the Antioquia regions of Bajo Cauca, Northeast, North, West and Urabá.

Grupo Nutresa joined the Works for Taxes program in 2020 through its companies Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, Compañía de Galletas NOEL, Novaventa and industries allied, to finance with resources from the income tax of the year 2019 the development of four projects prioritized from the territories and formulated jointly  with the Government of Antioquia for the improvement of the levels of pre-school, primary, secondary and middle school, as well as the conditions for the training and development of educational competences of 80,353 students and 2,961 teachers of the region.

The “Works Taxes” system establishes that legal persons with incomes equal to or greater than 33.160 UVT can pay up to 50% of the income taxes charged through the direct execution of social investment projects with an impact on the ZOMAC such as: construction or improvement of infrastructure endowment and supply of sewerage, energy, public education, clean water, road infrastructure, public health, among others.Carlos Ignacio Gallego, President of Grupo Nutresa, expressed in this regard: “At Grupo Nutresa we have found in the ‘Works for Taxes’ mechanism a great opportunity to continuously work with the public sector, contributing our capabilities, in order to make projects come true of social benefit in the areas most affected by the armed conflict, with the necessary speed, quality and transparency”.

And he added: “This joint project with the Government of Antioquia and the Ministry of National Education is a new example of a public-private alliance to generate development, advanced with criteria of integrity, sustainability and search for the common good”.

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