Sales and agricultural promotion department

The Compañía Nacional de Chocolates works towards the sustainability of the cacao production chain through its Sales and Agricultural Promotion Department, which was founded in 1958 and has since promoted cacao farming around the country through advisory, training, research, and collaborations with producers, public and private entities, and NGOs. We have a team of engineers who specialize in the production and commercialization of cacao, and who serve everywhere the Compañía Nacional de Chocolates works across the country.

Granja Yariguíes (Barrancabermeja, Santander):was founded in 2008 to focus on research and serve as a technical training center, as well as producing vegetable material certified by the ICA, and applying the Good Agricultural Practices certified by ICONTECT, and generally promoting cacao farming with a focus on business.

Granja La Nacional (Támesis, Antioquia): it has been certified as a Clonal Garden to produce high quality vegetable material accomplishing the national standards. It is also a training center for groups of producers, technicians and students.